We DO NOT provide IGNOU Assignment Answers or Solved Papers

I've been getting at least a couple of emails from IGNOU students for their various assignments every week.

Even though I write this blog I do not provide services for IGNOU assignments.

Perhaps there are services out there that can help you write your IGNOU assignments or even provide written assignments - we do not.

We wish you all the best in your studies.

Thank you.

IGNOU Solved Assignments For BA 2011 Available NOW!

We have now compiled 8 IGNOU solved assignments for BA 2011 for free downloads.

IGNOU students who are studying BA 1st year or 2nd year can now download free solved assignments from our IGNOU Solved Assignments page!

We are trying hard to bring you more solved assignments as we're writing this.

One other thing we try to do is give you professional formatted documents relevant and high quality solved assignments!

So, please stay tuned.

If you found these solved assignements useful please do tell your friends and classmates about this blog - IGNOU Assignments HQ!

You can share blog posts and pages to your Facebook friends, G+ friends and email friends.  Especially IGNOU students.


IGNOU Assignments HQ team

To help you write and complete your IGNOU assignments we have FREE solved assignments that you might find useful. Please visit our IGNOU Solved Assignments page. You can also help us by sending in your solved assignments to IgnouAssignmentsHQ AT gmail.com.

10 Reasons to Study in IGNOU

In a country like India where millions go hungry every day, it's simply beyond most people to go to college, that is, if they are lucky enough to complete their high school education.

The Indian government in its wisdom set up the IGNOU for the poor to study higher education, for employees to further their education and for women a chance to get education.

IGNOU offers distance education degree programs in arts, science, commerce, social sciences and information technology. IGNOU stands for Indira Gandhi National Open University.

Here are 10 Reasons to Study in IGNOU:
  1. At IGNOU one can study while working.  This is perhaps why IGNOU has over 100,000 students enrolled to its various programmes. People who would not otherwise afford higher education has the chance to do so while working.
  2. At IGNOU one can study BA without completing 12th standard.  There is a programme called Bachelor’s Preparatory Programme (BPP) after completion of which one can immediately study BA.  Thus those who are unable to complete their 12th standard for whatever reasons are given a second chance at IGNOU.
  3. IGNOU programmes are reasonably priced and therefore anyone interested to study can almost certainly afford to pursue their education.
  4. IGNOU provides comprehensive study materials to all students via mail.  This is really convenient and helpful. Students don't really need to buy other books to complete their cources.
  5. All students are required to complete IGNOU assignments which carry 30% of the total aggregate marks.  Compulsory assignments compel students to read and study their course materials and also get marks that help them complete their courses.
  6. IGNOU allows students to transfer their study centres and examination centres which is useful and realistic for students with transferable jobs.
  7. IGNOU conducts two examinations a year. If you miss one you can try the next one.
  8. There's also an option called On-Demand Exam wherein students are allowed to choose their exam dates and venues!  How convenient, how novel is that!
  9. IGNOU is also open for International students.  It has partner institutions and learning centers in around 80 countries.
  10. You should study in IGNOU not because someone forces you to, but because you want to pursue higher studies and experience a better life.
What more reason do you need to study in IGNOU. These are 10 reasons to study in IGNOU I can come up with. Maybe you have other reasons? Please share them below for all of us!

To help you write and complete your IGNOU assignments we have FREE solved assignments that you might find useful. Please visit our IGNOU Solved Assignments page. You can also help us by sending in your solved assignments to IgnouAssignmentsHQ AT gmail.com.

How To Write IGNOU Assignments and Score Very Good Marks

Writing and completing your IGNOU Assignments is very important in completing your IGNOU course of study.

That said, I myself find it very hard to write and complete my IGNOU assignments!  That is what inspired me to come up with a blog like this in the first place.  I know many IGNOU students have the same dilemma.

However, you gotta do what you gotta do, right?  And, there are people and blogs like this one to help the process of writing an IGNOU assignment easier.

How To Write IGNOU Assignments and Score Very Good Marks

There are book stores and blog where you can get solved assignments cheap or even free.  However, those do not help when it comes to helping you learn and score very good marks in the IGNOU term end examinations.

Below are what I really find useful as tips for completing the IGNOU assignments on time and scoring very good marks.

  • Read the IGNOU Study materials before you begin: To really give great answers to your assignment questions you must know what you're talking about, so to speak. Begin reading your study materials as soon as you got them.
  • Understand the questions and keep the word limit: Some solved assignments you got from book stores and free online downloads may be a bit off the questions.  Sometimes they don't seem to answer the questions at all! Think about what and why the question is asked and follow the instructions on your question sheet. Limit the length of your answer to the prescribed number of words.
  • Write the assignments yourself. Easier said that done. True. But, when you task yourself to answer the assignments questions (instead of simply copying off from a free downloaded solved assignments) you learn.  This is vital when it comes to scoring very good marks in the term end examination that IGNOU organises twice a year.
  • Complete the assignments in time: Assignment should be submitted on or before 31 October for July session of the same year and before 30 April for January session of the same year at your study centre.  Completing your assignments on time allows you to sit in the examination on time and thereby complete your IGNOU course of study on time.
  • Use only foolscap size paper for your response and tie all the pages carefully. 
  • Number your pages and tally them up.
  • Use your best hand writing and keep your answer sheets neat and clean.
  • Read the instructions before you begin answering the questions. 

IGNOU assignments carry as much as 30% of your total marks so do pay attention to this task and take time to learn and complete the assignments.

Writing the assignments allows you to learn and study your subjects.

Remember scoring good marks whether you're doing BA or MA or MBA or any course of study is very important. It can make or break your career. Or, even life!

To help you write and complete your IGNOU assignments we have FREE solved assignments that you might find useful. Please visit our IGNOU Solved Assignments page. You can also help us by sending in your solved assignments to IgnouAssignmentsHQ AT gmail.com.

Importance of Completing and Submitting IGNOU Assignments

Now that you have taken your admissions in IGNOU it is vital to complete the assignments in time.

IGNOU assignments are part of the curriculum and course of study.  Whatever course you take up assignments are in an important part and count in your final results.

Not only are they useful to force you to learn about your subjects, they do add to the marks you score and therefore help your final assessment.  In fact, your assignments marks make up as much as 30% of your total marks in a subject.

You are required to submit your completed assignments on time before you apply for your term end examination, ie you must have submitted your assignments when you submit your examination form at your regional center.

Assignment should be submitted on or before 31 October for July session of the same year and before 30 April for January session of the same year at your study centre.

General Instructions for Writing IGNOU Assignments
  • Read the instructions given at each assignment.
  • Your assignment must be hand written.
  • Use only foolscap size paper for your response and tie all the pages carefully.
  • Write the appropriate question number against each answer.
  • Limit the length of your answer to the prescribed number of words.
The top of the first page of your response sheet for TMA should look like the following:

Enrolment No.                                                 Course Title:

Course Code: 1                                     Name of Study Centre :

Name & Address
(Block Letters)



………………………………………..              Signature:

To help you write and complete your IGNOU assignments we have FREE solved assignments that you might find useful. Please visit our IGNOU Solved Assignments page. You can also help us by sending in your solved assignments to IgnouAssignmentsHQ AT gmail.com.